Samsung has just announced the Galaxy Tab 3. The tablet isn't likely to win any awards for speed, design or display. What we've got here is a ho-hum plastic tablet with last year's specs. In short: it's a pathetic effort by Samsung to dupe unwitting consumers into buying something new that's actually quite old.
It doesn't make sense why it even exists, given that the Galaxy Note 8 has a far better display and camera and comes with stylus-enhanced apps. Likely, Samsung is trying to compete with the Nexus 7s and Kindle Fires out there, but I doubt they'll be successful.
Here are all the reasons why the Galaxy Tab 3 absolutely blows:
1. Its screen sucks:
The Tab 3 has a 7-inch, 1024 x 600 display (whaa?) with a PPI of just 169 pixels per square inch (PPI). In case you were wondering, that's worse than the Nexus 7's 1280 x 800 display, which has a pixel density of 216ppi, and was released almost a year ago.
2. Its processor is slow:
The Galaxy Tab 3 features a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. That's about as fast as a Galaxy S2. It's 2013! What were you thinking, Samsung? This processor is almost TWO YEARS OLD.
3. Its design is crappy:
Oh wow, a white plastic case with a home button. It looks like Samsung spent maybe .4 seconds thinking up this design.
4. Its camera is terrible:
The Galaxy Tab 3 features a 3MP camera. In contrast, the Galaxy S4 has a 13MP camera. You're not going to be able to take good photos with this tablet.
5. It's not even running the newest version of Android:
The Galaxy Tab 3 is running Android 4.1, which is pathetic in this day and age.
In conclusion:
I pity the fool that buys a Galaxy Tab 3. It better cost $99 or it shouldn't exist.
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