Best Buy preorders for the Sprint Galaxy S4 delayed for 2 to 3 weeks![]() Some phones preordered from Best Buy will be delayed until May 9 through May 20If you put in a preorder for the Sprint Galaxy S4 through Best Buy, you'll want to check your email. It seems that at least some of the phones aren't going to make their original shipping date.We're sorry, but the fulfillment of your recent pre-order is taking longer than expected. We expect it to arrive between May 9 and May 20. To keep you informed of its delivery, we'll send tracking information once the item has shipped.We know that there are some supply issues for the Sprint version, so canceling your preorder may not be something you'll want to do. But the option is there if you'd rather. Folks have reported success picking them up directly from Sprint over the weekend in the forums, so that's worth checking out as well. Worst case scenario? You'll be waiting until the second week of May for your new shiny from Best Buy.
Thanks, nanosman#ac!
![]() From the Forums: What's your favorite HTC One video highlight theme?And be sure to show us your favorite highlight while you're thereHTC's new video highlights are pretty awesome. Highlights are those 30 second videos created from your pictures and Zoes, and are perfect for sharing on YouTube or your favorite social network. Currently, there are six themes you can choose from for your highlight, and they run the gamut from subtle black and white to popping fresh flashy cuts. They are all fun to try and play with.But if you're like us, you find yourself choosing one more often that the others. For me, that would be "Islandia" -- the happy music gets me every time, even if the old Super 8 style scratchy overlay isn't my favorite. We hope HTC has more themes in the works, or an API third party developers can use to create their own. in the meantime, jump into the forums and let us know your favorites. [POLL] What's your favorite Video Highlight theme?![]() You're welcome, Kyle! Enjoy your HTC One Developer Edition!![]() So congrats to Kyle -- as well as Rey Ford and misterasset, who each won Nexus 4s -- and hope you enjoy your phone! Check out Kyle's gracious reply after the break. read more ![]() Is an official Twitter app for Google Glass in the works?![]() But what exactly would you do with a Twitter for Glass app?Although Eric Schmidt seems to think that Google Glass is a year away from being in consumer's hands, the evidence is building that Twitter is working on its own app for the eyewear. A tweet has surfaced of a pretty unassuming picture, but the devil is in the details here -- the picture claims to be sent from a "Twitter for Glass" client, as denoted at the bottom of the tweet next to the timestamp. The tweet and account have also since been deleted, which you would expect if someone![]() The evidence is pretty strong here, and we wouldn't at all be surprised if Twitter was working to have its client ready to go for the launch of Glass. The real question is, what would you actually see or do with a Twitter client on such a limited interface? We wouldn't expect a full scrolling list of your timeline, but what about notifications? Well, those would presumably be handled by your phone's own Twitter notifications already. Will the only function be to send pictures directly from Glass to Twitter? We hope they come up with something more compelling when it is actually available, but for now it's an interesting thought experiment.
Source: TechCrunch
![]() Sprint's Samsung Galaxy S4 getting its first OTA update today![]() 24MB over the air update rolling out now for Sprint's newest smart phoneIf you were lucky enough to pick up a Sprint Galaxy S4 over the weekend, you'll want to start checking for a system update. Build L720VPUAMDL is pushing out, checking in at about 24MB. A scouring of the Internet doesn't seem to tell us anything about this update or what it addresses, so your guess is as good as ours. We assume it's a standard last-minute patch that we see with many new devices, and won't bring any new functionality or make any big changes.In any case, you'll probably want it so be sure to check Settings > More > System Update to update the Samsung firmware.
Thanks, Manuel!
![]() Angry Birds Friends coming to Android this Thursday![]() The popular web-based social version of Angry Birds is flying onto mobileRovio has just announced today via its official @AngryBirds Twitter account that the extremely popular "Angry Birds Friends" version of the franchise will be coming to both Android and iOS this Thursday. This falls in line nicely with some rumblings we heard in early April of the game coming to mobile, and on May 2nd it's finally happening. The "Friends" version of the game is currently a web-only Facebook title, where instead of going solo you can join up with friends (naturally) and hold tournaments to compete together.We're a little sparse on information of pricing and how cross-platform it will be, but there's only a few days of waiting before we see it pop up in the Play Store.
Source: Rovio (Twitter)
![]() From the mail bag: Why does my 16GB Galaxy S4 only have 8.8GB of space?![]() More features mean more spaced used for their files, and the Galaxy S4 takes about twice the storage space as the previous modelMorris writes in,I just got myself a Samsung Galaxy S4 (16GB). Upon further storage checking, I noticed the Total Space is only 8.82GB. I am confused. How much memory space actually does Jelly Bean 4.2.2 take?There sure has been a lot of discussion about the remaining storage on the Galaxy S4's 16GB "disk" after the factory software is accounted for. We're used to seeing a bit of discrepancy between what is advertised and what's really available, but this go 'round the difference is huge and has quite a few people a bit concerned. Morris gets to the root of the issue with his question, once you have a look at what's going on. The Samsung Galaxy S4's system folder, the one where all the magic happens and the factory installed "stuff" resides takes over 2GB of space (2,235,535,360 bytes for those that like numbers). Compared to the Jelly Bean system files on the Galaxy S3 at 1.1GB, and the Nexus 4 at 495MB, that's quite a bit of difference. By the time you take the rest of the OS into account, and partition space reserved for things like the system cache, that leaves you with about half the advertised space left to use for your own stuff. We're not going to knock on Samsung for using so much space for the operating system. When you want features included as part of the OS, you need to have the files somewhere. Samsung brings features to the Galaxy S4 that you won't find anywhere else, and the cost of those features is reduced storage left for the user. You also won't find these features on Google Play, so this is the trade-off you have to make. Also, there's the SD card slot to remember here as well. While this won't help you when you run out of space to install applications, you can store all your multimedia and documents there. 13MP panorama pictures and 1080p video can take a lot of room, so storing your camera shots on the SD card is a good idea. Right now, nobody seems to be selling the 32 or 64GB versions of the Galaxy S4. We're not sure if Samsung is at fault here, or the carriers around the world, but no matter who we point a finger at they just aren't available. In the meantime, 8.8GB is enough for some folks, and for some it's not. Until we start to see the models with more storage become available, this is how it is. We can't tell you that this does or doesn't matter to you, you'll have to decide that one for yourself. ![]() LG Revolution gets bloat-removing OTA update![]() Updates, patches, and bug fixes are included in version VS910ZVBMany of Verizon's recent OTA updates have included the removal of pre-installed applications, commonly referred to as 'bloatware.' The LG Revolution's latest update (SW Version VS910ZVB) includes one of the longest lists of apps being removed from a Verizon Android device:
As always, help a fellow Revolution owner out by posting in the comments when you start seeing this update going live.
Source: Verizon
![]() Player FM aims to expand your podcast horizons![]() Available for devices on Ice Cream Sandwich and up, with Gingerbread support in the worksThere is no shortage of podcast applications in the Play Store, and everyone seems to have a favorite. Features and UI are usually the deciding factors for users when choosing an app to listen to their favorite podcasts. Player FM's initial release (version 1.0.0) includes an attractive UI and some of the same features that any good podcast app should have: feed subscriptions with show notes and stats, automatic syncing and downloads, and an offline player. What this new app really brings to the table is the way it presents new content to podcast listeners.Instead of users hunting for new podcasts to listen to, Player FM offers an aggregated group of shows that can be chosen by topic. For example, if the topic 'Android' is chosen, a user can play a list of shows from different feeds that all relate to our favorite mobile OS. If a new favorite show is found while playing that topic, it can be subscribed and listened to in its entirety. Users should keep in mind that this is a first release, so some caveats do apply. Details can be found after the break. read more ![]() LG WCP-300 Wireless Charger: Simple, small, effective![]() Wireless charging one day will take over the world. Someday. Maybe next week. Maybe not. Eventually, perhaps.OK, nobody's getting rid of microUSB chargers anytime soon. So to that end we'll keep plowing our way through wireless Qi chargers. When we first saw the LG WCP-300 Wireless Charger (we picked ours up for $39 at Verizon) at Mobile World Congress, it was a pretty unassuming puck. It's smallish (about 2.7 inches in diameter) and is just a bit thicker than the phone you're going to charge it with. The included travel charger is rated at 1.8A, and the puck itself takes that down to 1A. So if you want a faster charge, you'll need to plug in. But wireless charging has always been more about convenience than speed. (The party line is that the WCP-300 will charge a 1500 mAh battery in less than 4 hours.)So, one puck, one phone. Plug in the microUSB cable, plop a phone on top of it, and you're charging. There's an LED indicator light that doesn't do a whole lot of good unless you place your phone on the puck sideways -- it's hidden, otherwise -- but doing so just looks odd. The face of the puck is matte black. It's ringed in glossy plastic, and the bottom's got four rubber feet that keeps things nicely in place. If you're going to delve into the world of wireless charging, you need to know up front that you'll be paying a little bit of a premium. Paying $39 to charge your phone isn't small potatoes. But the LG WCP-300 is a slim and stylish charging puck. In fact, it's probably going to end up in my travel bag, just because. We've got more pics after the break. read more ![]() Monday Brief: WWDC sells out, BlackBerry Q10 review and the Samsung Galaxy S4 has arrived![]() YouTube broadcasting more MLB content for international viewers![]() Two free games per day on offer as long as you're not in North America, South Korea, Japan or TaiwanThe YouTube team has announced that Major League Baseball will be offering up more video content than ever before. The revamped MLB YouTube channel will be broadcasting highlights of games within a couple of days afterwards, alongside a whole host of clips and archived content. In addition to this, YouTube viewers will be able to see two live games per day, completely free of charge.Considering the price of the At Bat mobile application, this is an extremely good deal for Baseball fans around the world. The catch is, that it's region specific. So, sadly, viewers in the U.S, Canada, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan cannot watch the daily free games. All other MLB content on YouTube will be available in those countries though.
Source: +YouTube
![]() More Samsung Galaxy S4 units 'now floating into' Sprint sales channels![]() Samsung is 'ramping up production' for SprintSamsung Galaxy S4 supplies have been lower than expected at launch, which has affected multiple carriers -- with Sprint being no exception. In a recent note we received from Sprint, we learned that the carrier's Galaxy S4 orders would be limited mainly to online and over-the-phone orders, with in-store supplies being very scarce due to low supplies.The new note we received from Sprint today contains much better news: increased Galaxy S4 inventory is now starting to make its way into Sprint sales channels, thanks to increased production from Samsung. New shipments are expected on a daily basis, which will make things much easier on those looking to score one of the year's hottest phones. If supplies continued to be replenished, it shouldn't be hard to find one of these phones in a Sprint store relatively shortly. More: Galaxy S4 review | Galaxy S4 forums![]() Samsung butchers 'Gangnam Style' for Indian Galaxy S4 launch"If you like the S3 then this phone is even better / It has an HD screen and is just a lot slimmer."Samsung has earned something of a reputation for putting on unique and often rather cheesy live events to launch its new products. An example would be the Broadway-themed Galaxy S4 launch event in New York City. A recent effort from the phone's Indian launch, however, takes things to a whole new level.At the event in Mumbai, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh took to the stage to perform a soul-crushingly embarrassing rendition of Psy's 2012 hit "Gangnam Style," re-worded with lyrics all about Samsung's new smartphone. These include such gems as "441ppi is not just a number / Look at this clarity it's brighter" and "If you like the S3 then this phone is even better / It has an HD screen and is just a lot slimmer." Yes, it's that bad. Hit the embed above to see for yourself. You're welcome. ![]() How Android and iOS ruined this fake wedding, according to Windows Phone
We can all stipulate that holding up your phone at a wedding like that is kind of a douche move, right? Could be worse, though -- they could all be carrying annoying safety day-glo nuclear green phones or something.
And you gotta love the "Do not attempt" fine print. Meanwhile, Android activated another thousand devices in the time it took you to watch that commercial. ![]() Poweramp Music Player gets a major widget update![]() New album art options and additional languages also make it into the latest updatePoweramp is seeing some pretty significant changes in the widget department for version 2.0.9-b528. Homescreen widgets are now fully customizable: the background, text, icons, and buttons can now be completely configured to the user's liking. For anyone that doesn't want to spend the time tweaking every aspect of a widget, up to 15 premade styles are also available to choose from. Existing widgets don't have to be trashed in favor of a fresh one when something needs to be tweaked; tapping the top right of a widget reopens the configuration screen. Phones can now resize widgets that are 4x4 and 2x2, while tablets running Android 3.1+ can change the size of any widget.Album art gets a 24-bit RGB option, which means higher color resolution (but uses twice the memory). For older Androids, a Notification Album Art option was also added. A new Disable Route Output Button setting and support for Arabic and Vietnamese round out this update. Follow the Play Store link up top to view and download the latest version of Poweramp Music Player. ![]() Google Now hits iOS, still better on Android, though![]() Android version is more fluid, and is still the best Google Now experienceThere's a little excitement this morning in the iOS camp as the Google Search app has been updated, brining Google Now cards to the fray. You get the same information you get on Android, with the same card design -- but it's a vastly different experience.On Android, you simply open Google Now, and everything's there. Sports scores. Weather. Directions. Birthdays. Whatever. It takes a couple more steps on iOS. They're well-animated steps, but it takes the "Wow!" factor out of the entire operation. You're going to get the information instead of it being right there, almost before you knew you needed it. So, yeah. Google Now's now on iOS. But it's defnitely still better on Android.
Source: Google
read more![]() Deal of the Day: Cruzerlite Clone Army Case for Galaxy Note 2![]() The Cruzerlite Clone Army Case is available for just $8.00, 60% off today only. Backed by our 60-day return policy and fast shipping. Never miss a deal. Sign up for Daily Deal alerts ![]() T-Mobile Galaxy S4 now available online![]() $149.99 up-front, then $20 per month on 24-month not-a-contractFollowing AT&T and Sprint's launch last week, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is now available from T-Mobile USA. Right now the device is only available online -- brick-and-mortar stores won't begin stocking the T-Mobile Galaxy S4 until May 8.T-Mo's GS4, which comes with 16GB of storage in "white frost" and "black mist" color options, will run you $149.99 up-front, followed by installments of $20 for the next two years. That's a total of $629.99, and under the carrier's new pricing arrangements, you'll need to add a service plan on top of that. Naturally, the Galaxy S4 also includes support for T-Mo's burgeoning 4G LTE network in addition to its more widespread 42Mbps DC-HSDPA. For more on the Galaxy S4, be sure to read our full review. And if you're ordering a T-Mobile Galaxy S4 today, shout out and make yourself known in the comments.
Source: T-Mobile
More: Samsung Galaxy S4 review![]() Samsung opens up design process in Galaxy S4 'design story' videoSamsung designers tell how they brought the Galaxy S4 to lifeIn the latest installment of its "design story" series, Samsung cracks open the Galaxy S4 design process for all to see, revealing some of the thinking behind the looks and features of its new high-end smartphone. Narrated in sound bites from Samsung designers, the Galaxy S4 is simultaneously described as "not a radical difference, but more of an evolution" and "like nothing you've ever seen before." Samsung's "life companion" branding gets name-dropped more than a few times, too.Externally, the Galaxy S4 is described as having "natural elements" at its heart, including the new reflective battery cover, said to resemble "precious stone glittering in the dark, or countless stars sparkling in the night sky." So no shortage of flowery language to describe Samsung's latest lump of plastic, glass and silicon. Check out the video above, and if you've not yet read it, find out what we thought of the Galaxy S4's design in our full review.
Source: SamsungTomorrow on YouTube; More: Samsung Galaxy S4 review
![]() HTC One 1.29 update now live in the UK![]() Stability fixes, as well as Zoe, camera, Beats Audio and location service tweaks in first OTAAfter a limited roll-out in some European countries this past week, the update to software version 1.29.401.12 is now live for unlocked HTC One users in the UK. The update includes stability improvements and bug fixes, in addition to tweaks to the location service, HTC Zoe, camera "parameter tuning" and Beats Audio.Upon first inspection we're not noticing any significant differences between this and the previous 1.28 firmware, but we'll take HTC at its word that it's been busy on improvements throughout the firmware. The update weighs in at a substantial 229MB, suggesting an abundance of new stuff has made its way into the code base. The firmware is still based on Android 4.1.2, so it looks like the HTC One will have to wait some more for its 4.2 update. To grab the new firmware on your unlocked UK HTC One, simply head to Settings > About > Software updates and hit the button. As always, carrier-branded devices may have to wait a little longer for their update to start rolling out. Be sure to hit the comments if you've spotted any significant changes in the new firmware. ![]() Samsung announces the Galaxy Tab 3, 7-inches of mid-range tablet![]() Styled like the Galaxy Note 8.0, the Galaxy Tab 3 has more than a whiff of the mid-range about itSamsung has pulled the wraps off their latest addition to the Galaxy Tab range with this, the new Galaxy Tab 3. This particular tablet is the 7-inch version, which will launch in a WiFi only flavor at the beginning of May. A 3G-enabled sibling will then follow in June.The styling follows on very much from the larger, Galaxy Note 8.0, continuing Samsung's new theme of adding their traditional three button setup to their tablet devices. Software wise we're looking at Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with the usual Touchwiz overlay, but on the hardware front things are distinctly mid-range. Powering the Galaxy Tab 3 is a 1.2GHz dual-core processor and 1GB of RAM, on top of 8GB or 16GB of on board storage. This being Samsung though, storage is expandable by way of microSD card. The display is somewhat disappointing, with the Tab 3 sporting a resolution of just 1024x600. The cameras too are on the low end of things, with a 3MP rear shooter accompanied by a 1.3MP front facer. All this adds up to what should be a keenly priced tablet. Its predecessor has been retailing at Nexus 7 money for some time now. But, without a glaring jump in either hardware or software, it's difficult to think of a compelling reason to take the new Galaxy Tab 3 over the year old Nexus 7. Samsung brand power might come into play a little with this one. No pricing has been announced at this time and for the full press release, be sure to click on past the break. read more ![]() |
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